The Officail Landriders7th website will be down for maintainnace

This site is going threw a transition and you may encounter some things that are out of place. Major fixing due to internal issues on the server site are being worked on.

More Updated Content may be added after this website is fully completed.

If you like to support what we do and want to see us succeeded, use the following below until we get add more options on how you can help financially til we fix the merch store


- Mail Box Address -

you can mail anything to this address at:

848 N Rainbow Blvd #5090 Las Vegas NV USA 89107

Please don't send anything illegal


- Live Streaming Schedule   -

keep an eye out on The Telecomm discord server for further updates



- Sources and Links -

Here's the list of Sources from other sites to look into for references, ideas, or to keep around in case you find it useful in some way [>.0]/

Social Media Websites And Messenger's I have accounts on

YouTube - DiscordSignal - Patreon